Field Journal

A smattering of features and thoughts across gardening, travel, interiors, arts & culture, and generally just a good place to come with a cuppa.

Spring showers call for slip-on clogs. Dipping outside to deter squirrels from bulbs, or longingly searching for the first signs of life has never been easier nor looked better.

Our tastebuds may be ready for Spring, but the weather has other plans. Sprouts provide a refreshing respite from the stodge of winter without the need to head out into the garden (or to the shop). All you need is a mason jar, a sprouting lid (cheesecloth also works), and the sprout seeds of your choice. Soak for roughly 8 hours then rinse with cold water twice a day. Four days later you’ll have handfuls of sprouting goodness to store in the fridge. Crunchy, crispy, and fresh mouthfuls delivered to toasts, soups, salads, or whatever else your summer self is craving.

With most of the pruning, chopping, and cutting now complete, it is a good time to tend to your tools. This set has everything you need to get those rusty secateurs looking and feeling good as new – a spa day for your toolbox.

Here’s one for the seed-sewing enthusiasts out there. A gadget that makes watering the increasing abundance of seed trays gathered on your windowsill a breeze. Submerge in water, place a thumb over the hole, and release for a gentle shower over the soil surface. With a design that has remained unchanged since the 16th century, you can close your eyes and imagine you’re in a renaissance painting.

Not ready to venture out into the garden yet? Alice Vincent has you covered. Curl up with a cuppa, and delve into this podcast packed with inspiring conversations from designers, chefs, entrepreneurs, and writers in their gardens. It’s released ahead of her highly anticipated book of the same name.


by Isabella Tree

An intensive hike through the history of farming and land perceptions in England. A beautiful account describing what it takes to renew an ecosystem after decades of intensive agriculture. Each challenge and barrier is trimmed with lovely local facts, words, and individuals, making it hard to put down.